testing (NDT) is an inspection method usually applied
to search for the presence of defects and to evaluate
such defects, i.e., cracks, inclusions, voids, etc. in
materials, without causing any effects on the properties
of any structural components. Since flaws or defects in
structural components can affect the serviceability of
the integrity of the structure, NDT is essential in guaranteeing
safe operation, as well as in quality control and assessing
structural life.
Non-destructive division offers a wide range of well-established
instrumentations for particular types of intended findings
or visible defects to ensure structural integrity, readiness
and reliability, to prevent failures and accidents, and
to meet client's complete satisfactions. IMMS services
industries including Chemical, Petro-Chemical, Civil (Infrastructure),
and Department of Transportation (DOT), Bridge/Building
or Light -Heavy Manufacturing. |