Residual stress in the steel truss (RAMA
6 bridge) |
The effect of train speed to Dynamic Magnification
Factor (DMF) of steel truss bridge |
The causes that alter RAMA 6 bridge behavior
Termination length of CFPR plate of rehabilitated
steel girder |
Dynamic responses of a 7-span continuous
concrete highway interchange |
The effect of fire to concrete bridge |
The effect of vehicle braking to concrete
bridge responses |
Relaxation monitoring of pre-stressed girder
Load distribution study on a pre-stressed
concrete girder type bridge |
Acoustic Emission for chemical tank detection
of corrosion |
Fatigue of cable stayed bridge - continues
monitoring with AE |
Local vibration of orthotropic deck plate
effects the roadway material |
Roughness Index of pavement and bridge |
The study of stochastic in dynamic behavior
of expressway bridge |
Determination of cable forces |
The art of correlation of field measurement
data to FEM computer model |